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Black Horse Run Swim Team Page


Click the Mustang logo to go to the Swimtopia page

Register, find meet schedules, team activities, and more


Pool will remain open (lanes 1 and 2) during all swim team practices

Pool will be closed at 4:00 for home meets June 17,  July 8, and July 15


ONLINE REGISTRATION – Opens April 1 (tentative), visit our SWIMTOPIA webpage for updates and information

BHR Swim Team inviting all BHR neighborhood 5 to 18 year olds to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE and join us in the pool.

ALL SWIM LEVELS WELCOME, non-swimmers please visit the swim lessons page for info on lessons/clinics

Here are the details regarding fees:

Cost: $95 per swimmer as long as you are part of BHR POA - friends outside of BHR are welcome to join with an associate membership in addition to the swim team fee of $95 per swimmer:

Associate Membership for full access all year and includes all amenities except equestrian.  

Associate membership fees are $700 yearly with a one time new member initiation fee of $700

  Click here for Associate Membership Form

Dates: May 14 to July 19 (Monday-Thursday)

Practice times :

11 yr old and up- 4:00 – 5:00

7-10 yr old - 5:00 – 6:00

6 and under – 6:00 - 6:45

May 14 - First day of practice

June 3 - Time Trials

June 9 - Pre-swim Meet Pasta Party, 6:00PM

Tuesday night meets starting June 11th

July 15- Last swim meet

TSA Championships- TBD

Team Banquet- TBD

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